Godwin Heidra 150VSG


  • Double mechanical seal (Silicon carbide inboard seal and carbon or ceramic outboard seal) in its own clean oil bath for indefinite dry running​
  • Gear motor connections with standard SAE flange & shaft, which allows easy connection to plug directly into bearing bracket
  • Open solids handling impellers with replaceable wear plates
  • Standard impeller design for general pumping, slurries and sludges
  • Safe pump-end to minimize risk of electric shock or explosion

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  • Double mechanical seal (Silicon carbide inboard seal and carbon or ceramic outboard seal) in its own clean oil bath for indefinite dry running​
  • Gear motor connections with standard SAE flange & shaft, which allows easy connection to plug directly into bearing bracket
  • Open solids handling impellers with replaceable wear plates
  • Standard impeller design for general pumping, slurries and sludges
  • Safe pump-end to minimize risk of electric shock or explosion


Гидравлический погружной насос с вихревым рабочим колесом и мешалкой со шламовой задвижкой

Когда высота всасывания превышает 28 футов (8,5 м), насосы Heidra® вступают в работу там, где нельзя применить насосы Dri-Prime®.

Гидравлический погружной насос Godwin Heidra 150VSG — это компактная и автономная 6-дюймовая (100 мм) гидравлическая погружная модель. Обладая функцией регулирования скорости, Heidra 150VSG может удовлетворить целый ряд требований к потоку и напору. Так, этот насос способен работать со скоростью потока до 1 657 амер. галлонов в минуту (452 м³/ч) и общим динамическим напором до 69 футов (21 м).

With its semi-recessed design, a vortex impeller can handle solids up to 5 in (125 mm) in diameter.
A remotely operated slurry gate allows the pump to act as a mixer, ideal for pumping thick, viscous, solids-laden sludges, such as those found in wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) digesters, environmental clean-ups and API separators at refineries.​

Доступны дизельные или электрические двигатели

Godwin Heidras come equipped with a diesel engine Power Packs for stand-alone operation, these pumps will work on any site, no matter how remote. Plus, all diesel engines meet the latest emissions regulations.
Our Heidra pumps can also be powered by electric motor Power Packs. Electric Power Packs do not need refueling, the motor requires less servicing, and they reduce the carbon footprint of any project. Available with soft starts and VFDs for variable speed control.
  • ​Diesel or electric drive
  • Skid mount or highway trailer​
  • Quiet enclosures

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